The purpose of our Advocacy efforts is to provide structure and support to individuals we serve, employees, families, and friends of Phoenix in advocating for support of disability services from our legislators
Effective Grassroots Advocacy requires a compelling issue or message and people. We have a compelling message; maintain services for persons with disabilities. Most importantly we have people! We have developed a strong base of people, grassroots advocates who are willing to share their stories, spread our message and advocate for themselves, their loved ones or the people they serve. There is power in numbers, the more advocates we have the more powerful our voice will become.
Recent Articles
Mon. Mar 21
ARRM Day Recap and Gov. Dayton's Supplemental Budget
Thank you to everyone who joined us at the ARRM Day rally and met with their legislators. An estimated 1,500 supporters packed the St. Paul Armory!
Wed. Feb 10
2016 Legislative Session is Less than a Month Away
With the start of the Minnesota legislative session less than a month away, it is important that we are making our case to legislators now
Thu. Jan 28
Attend Town Hall Forums - District 38 and 57
Mark your calendars for two upcoming Town Hall Forums – February 11 with Sen. Roger Chamberlain and February 27 with Sen. Greg Clausen
Wed. Dec 09
Initial Budget Forecast shows a $1.9 Billion Surplus
We need to continue to build on our strong, broad coalition of supporters to make sure that community-based services are priority for policymakers before session even begins on March 8th
Tue. Dec 01
The 5% Campaign is now Best Life Alliance
People with disabilities, older adults, caregivers, more than 130 organizations, family members, and advocates throughout Minnesota are a part of this major statewide campaign
Thu. Nov 19
The 2016 Legislative Session is on the Horizon
The 2016 legislative session is on the horizon and The Phoenix Residence is laying the groundwork to prepare
Wed. Oct 28
Legislative Visit at ARC on November 10
The Arc Greater Twin Cities invites St. Paul residents and elected officials to discuss issues affecting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families at a legislative visit
Mon. Oct 12
Town Hall Meetings are Scheduled - Share Your Story
Organizations from the disability community will be holding town hall forums this fall as a way to provide advocates the opportunity to voice their priorities to their local legislators.
Tue. Aug 11
The 5% Campaign – Preparing for 2016
Leaders from The 5% Campaign have been busy this summer re-energizing in anticipation of the 2016 legislative session
Thu. May 21
Disappointing End to the 2015 Legislative Session
There will not be a rate increase for Home and Community-Based Services. In the end, health and human services projected spending for the next two years was reduced by $300 million leaving a number of requests without additional funds.
Tue. Apr 28
Join us at the Capitol Thursday, April 30th!
There are just three weeks of the legislative session left, so now is an important time to advocate!
Thu. Apr 02
Send a Hand to Legislators
People at The Phoenix Residence are supported by the caring hands of our dedicated direct support professionals - now is the time to share your story why 5% is so important
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