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Phoenix Celebrates Two Employees This Month

This month, we awarded our maintenance employees for outstanding customer service.

Customer Service of the Month - Michael Ohlhauser

Michael Ohlhauser loves to joke with individuals, and there’s one day in particular, he made one individual’s day. This gentleman had requested that the whirlpool bathtub be removed from the bathroom so a shower stall could be installed. Michael joked with him that once he pulled it out, he would place it in this person’s room as his bed. He didn’t believe him and said, “Yeah right!” On the day Michael removed the control panel from the tub, he placed it at the head of this man’s bed; it looked just like a whirlpool tub had been moved into his room as his bed. When he came home from work that day and saw what Michael did, he let out the loudest and the longest belly laugh. I think Michael made his week!

 Michael also has plans on building a “Little Free Library” in the front yard of one woman’s home this coming spring; reading is one of her passions and she requested to place one of these in her yard. 

Michael does little things like this for people all the time, but always under the radar. He is willing to find solutions when faced with a problem, and safety is always first and foremost on his mind! Whether it’s the bounty of his gardens that he’s sharing with coworkers or giving the people we support a good laugh, Michael is always willing to offer support. Thank you Michael, we appreciate you! 

Customer Service of the Month - Shawn Johnson

Shawn Johnson came in on his day off to assist English House with fixing a van door that would not close properly. English House noticed the problem initially, took it in for repairs, and thought it was fixed. But when they were down at HCMC one day, the same thing happened. Shawn went to HCMC on his day off and held the door closed while an English employee drove the van back to the dealer. The person on the appointment proceeded with their medical care while Shawn and staff coordinated getting another van back to HCMC. Thank you Shawn for your help with this!

Thank you Shawn & Michael for all you do!