Commemorating Our Managers for Their Excellence
Our managers from the East Group deserve a round of applause.
Please join us in thanking the managers from our East Group, including our Assistant Program Director and managers at our Foss, Furness, and Howard homes.
Hilda Momanyi - Assistant Program Director
- Started 04/04/2022
- Previously a Float Assistant Program Director
“I love the company culture and enjoy working in a team of great leaders who have great opportunities to teach and grow professionally. They give employees opportunities to grow. I love the trainings we receive from our course directors, and I am proud that I’m in an organization where they provide excellent care to our residents.”
From Vice President of Community Services Alan Berner: “Hilda brings a great background and investment in serving people with disabilities as she joins our leadership team as an Assistant Program Director. She's been with us for just over a year, and her dedication to learning a challenging position and growing in her ability to understand and know everything her houses need from her, has been exceptional to be a part of. She is always willing to support her managers and their teams and jumps in on an exceptional variety of tasks from working on the floor, to helping redesign/decorate the homes so they not only look great, but also become more functional. Piece by piece she is learning more about who we are and helping her houses develop and grow in their ability to provide exceptional services. We are so thankful for her continued investment in our organization and the continuous support she provides.”
Lakeshia Uting – Foss House
- Started 02/01/2016
- Previously a DSP and House Supervisor
“One of my favorite memories at Foss was after I was in a car accident at work. Arlene was with me in the work van and saw everything—even me getting smashed between two vehicles. After months [off] because I couldn’t walk, I came to visit the residents because I missed them. I walked in the door and Arelene was in her recliner. She popped up so fast with tears in her eyes and just hugged me. She remembered everything. All I could do was cry, because the love and care at that moment made me look at the support I give them in a whole different light.”
From APD Hilda Momanyi: “The smile on her face makes a great impact on everyone. She has brought joy and laughter into the lives of the residents we support and the people around her. Very determined, positive attitude, very approachable and loving.”
Roberta Malcom - Foss House 
- Started 07/26/2022
- Previously Program Manager at Janet Court
“I thoroughly enjoy the monthly meetings, sharing ideas and experiences, and the teamwork [here]. Some of my favorite memories have been bowling for the clients’ birthdays and taking them to see Disney on Ice.”
From APD Hilda Momanyi: “She never stops doing great things at the houses. She is eager to find answers on things that she wants to explore and learn. I love working with Roberta. She has her own natural inclination of learning, she has great skills and great personality, and never gets offended. One person I can trust.”
Shirlena Wilson - Furness House
- Started 07/09/2018
- Previously a DSP and House Supervisor
“I love Furness because the ladies always have a smile on their faces when I come in the mornings. I talk to them and make sure all their needs are met. They are what keep me going...When I’m having a bad day, I come in the house and the smiles they give just make everything better. They complete me. When I’m not there, I’m there always calling to make sure they are good.”
From APD Hilda Momanyi: “I love Shirlena. She is one of my favorites. I love how she expresses herself when she is mad...She’s very interested in learning new things, she never gives up on her residents, and she is very supportive of them. She will do whatever she desires to accomplish a goal, and she will put all the necessary effort into completing her task. She is very determined, unshakable, and resilient.”
Mathew Beconovich - Howard House
- Rehired 6/20/2023
- Previously a DSP and Float Overnight Manager
“Though it was not fun for anyone when it happened, my most memorable moment at Howard was when the lift on the van broke taking Raynisha to T-Mobile to troubleshoot her cell phone. Raynisha was so calm, even though it was scary for her to be trapped in the van while waiting for help. She was definitely excited to meet the firefighters who helped us get her out! It was a bonding moment during a difficult situation, and a reminder of how resilient our clients at Howard House really are. We sure miss having Ray here!”
From APD Hilda Momanyi: “He has a unique perspective, and everyone appreciates his positivity and energizing demeanor. Mat is very creative, and he has done so much for the house and staff as well. A very strong leader who wants to make sure the team is successful.”
Amanda Simington - Howard House
- Rehired 6/20/2023
- Previously a DSP and Float Overnight Manager
“My favorite memory is from the winter of 2021, when I was able to put up Christmas decorations with the girls. It was a difficult time and I also had COVID, along with all five clients that season. So seeing the clients excited about the holiday was so heartwarming and reminds me how special my bond is with these clients at Howard House.”
From APD Hilda Momanyi: “If I had a chance to give Amanda an award, I would give her gold. She is very compassionate and probably the most down-to-earth person I’ve ever met. She has made Howard House staff and residents feel the motherly touch. She has shown light to Howard House. She is very caring and has great relationships with the families. I wish I could thank her more for what she has done. She continues to inspire more people and we love her. We are very lucky to have her.”