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Lisa Brown, Consultant Dietician, is awarded Consultant Dietician of the Year!

The Phoenix Residence, Inc. would like to congratulate Lisa Brown, Consultant Dietician, for being recognized as the Dietician of the year!

Lisa Brown, Consultant Dietician for several Phoenix homes, was named Consultant Dietitian of the Year.  This award is given by the MN Dietetics in Health Care Communities, an organization primarily made up of consultant dietitians in long term care facilities. She received a plaque and $100.   Phoenix staff offered their thoughts about Lisa, and this is what they said:

“Simply put, Lisa is amazing!   She works with the clients, families, and group home staff.   She brings so much knowledge and compassion to her work.  For Lisa it isn’t just about balancing calorie counts; it is about balancing what residents need nutritionally with what makes their lives better.  She gets to know each of the residents from a total picture.  For Lisa, it’s about their quality of life!  It would be easy for her to lose sight of that but she never does.”