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Happy Holidays From Robin Engelbrecht at Janet Court

Robin Engelbrecht from Janet Court has a story that he would like us to share.

It's that time of year again. December has come and with it all the joys of Christmas Robin Engelbrecht from Janet Court has a story he would like to share:

Robin approached me the first week of December and requested to review his budget, after we went over his money and discussed what he needed for the month. Robin reported he wanted to budget for a trip to Wal-Mart to purchase Christmas decorations for his bedroom.

Robin would like everyone to know he moved into Janet Court on September 28th of 2005. Since he has lived here one of his dreams has always been, to be able to decorate his room for Christmas. Robin was very specific about what this would look like and what he needed to complete this.

Robin and staff sat down and compiled a list, along with a budget. Once that was completed, off to the store Robin and staff went to purchase the items needed.  When I arrived to Janet court the next morning Robin invited me into his room. When I walked up to the door I was greeted by a welcome mat that said “Merry Christmas” and a lighted wreath.  Upon entering though the doorway, I saw Robin sitting in the middle of his room with the biggest smile of happiness and pride I have ever seen! Robin looked at me and said “what do you think? Can you believe it? I finally decorated my room!”

I took a moment and did a 360 of Robin’s room taking it all in. I saw lights hanging around his room, a Christmas tree decorated with lights with a beautiful star at the top, twinkling snowflakes hanging from his window, various items placed throughout his room. My eyes then went back on Robin still smiling ear to ear and so very proud. I replied “Robin your room looks great!” Robin then said” if you or staff need the Christmas spirit, just come visit me in my room.”  Robin and I then took a moment and continued our conversation with a cup of coffee and just sat in his room surrounded by lights and the feeling of Christmas spirit around us sharing memories of Christmases past.

When I left his room I took a moment to reflect and remembered this-

“It is the personal thoughtfulness, the warm human awareness, the reaching out of the self to one's fellow man that makes giving worthy of the Christmas spirit."
~ Isabel Currier.

Robin would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!