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Amy Klobuchar Staff Member Visits Phoenix Residence

Viking House received a visit from staff member Senator Amy Klobuchar on April 24 to discuss important health topics. 

The staff and residents at the Viking House had a chance to meet and visit with Senator Amy Klobuchar’s Outreach Director, Mr. Adam Schiff on April 24. The residents discussed several topics in regards to health care including the effect of staff turnover and how they feel when new staff is hired.  It is very detrimental to the residents when staff members are constantly coming and going - staff turnover is a direct result of the cuts to the Health and Human Services budget.

The PRI staff discussed the importance of passing the COLA (cost of living adjustment), a part of the Health and Human Services budget up for vote this legislative session.  The staff currently works for a poverty level wage – they continue to work in this field because of the service they provide.