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ARRM Day at the Capitol

Despite the snow, ARRM Day at the Capitol was a success!  Phoenix was represented by many staff members as well as residents and family members.

Despite the snow, ARRM Day at the Capitol was a success!  Many partnering organizations battled the roads and were present to support the mission of ARRM, the proposed cost of living adjustment (COLA), and the core services we provide for people with disabilities.  Phoenix was represented by many staff members as well as residents and family members. 

Phoenix staff members had the opportunity to meet with several state representatives and senators to discuss the importance of our provided services and immediate need of passing the COLA. Senator Wiger included a photo of Phoenix staff and family members in his weekly legislative update.  We appreciate his support of ARRM!

During the rally, held at the Capitol Rotunda, Governor Dayton and other state officials spoke in support of the COLA and quality care we provide for Minnesotans with disabilities. Darlene Scott gave a motivational message during the rally in her support of the COLA.

Continue to contact your local elected official and ask your legislator to pass the COLA during the 2013 legislature session.  Complete the Telling Your Story Form and send to your state official. To contact your state representative or senator, click here and enter your address. It is critical you share your story about the difference you make at Phoenix and the residents you serve!