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Changes for Home and Community Based Service

2014 will feature several changes for Home and Community Based Service including 245D Licensing Standards and the Disability Waiver Rate System

The New Year 2014 will bring tremendous change for all Home and Community Based Service providers. The Phoenix Residence would like to provide a brief update of the changes that will have impact on the services you or your loved one receives.

There are two major system changes that are driving most of the change, 245D licensing standards which represents a single set of standards for all Home and Community Based Service providers and the Disability Waiver Rate System (DWRS).  The DWRS impacts how individual rates will be set for the services they receive and how providers will be reimbursed for those services.

These system changes require providers like The Phoenix Residence and Phoenix Service Corporation to change its policies to comply with the new standards or requirements.  Individuals and/or family members must be informed of all of the changes and may need to provide their consent in order to continue to receive some services.  We have attempted to keep Individuals and families members apprised of the changes approaching via our Family Council meetings, electronic newsletter, and website.

Here is a list of the policies that have changed to comply with the new requirements.  If you would like a copy of the updated policy, please contact Darlene Scott or any staff member at our Central Office. The policies are not new to Phoenix but have some minimal changes per the new licensing standards. Please note there are some new consents previously not required. For example, consent to administer medication is a new form that everyone will need to sign if they would like Phoenix to assist with this service.

  • Substance Abuse Drug & Alcohol            
  • Safe Transportation
  • Emergency Use of Manual Restraint             
  • Infection Control Universal Precautions
  • Grievance Policy                  
  • Mobile Device
  • Vulnerable Adult                     
  • Behavior Referral
  • Data Privacy                        
  • Physician Services
  • Intake & Admission                    
  • Background Study
  • Emergency Response                    
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Health Service Coordination                 
  • Medication Error Reporting
  • Incident Reporting & Protection Standards        
  • Insulin Administration
  • Medication Administration