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2012 English House Getaways

English House residents were busy the latter part of 2012 off jet setting to Camp Courage in June and July, Grand Casino in Sept., and Branson, MO in Nov.

English House residents were busy the latter part of 2012 off jet setting to Camp Courage in June and July, Grand Casino in Sept., and Branson, MO in Nov.

To ensure that everyone at English House was able to go on a getaway, there were a multitude of destinations chosen to fit each individual’s wishes.  Jerrett was our camp goer.  He spent one week at Courage North and another week at Courage- Maple Lake.  He renewed friendships with some previous campers and enjoyed his time on the water.  Linda and Ted went and tried their luck at the Grand Casino in Hinkley. Highlights of the casino included taking in a Smokey Robinson concert and of course, the buffet.  This was also the first time Ted had stayed in a hotel; he was amazed they had TV’s.   Liz, Gail and Sandy went back to their old stomping grounds of Branson, MO.  They took in several shows, shopping, looking at lights, eating out and visiting with past resident’s family.  Gail’s mother accompanied the caravan down to Branson and spent one night.  A returning visitor with this group was Diane Joardt from Ludden House.  Diane fit right into the group immediately!  It went quickly from the 3 Musketeers to the 4 Mouseketeers.  Fun was had by all.