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Contact Your Legislator – A Wage Increase Cannot Wait!

The House and Senate omnibus bills failed to include a wage increase for all direct care workers, but we are continuing to urge lawmakers to re-prioritize and address this critical need before the legislature and governor make their final decisions.

We're nearing the end of Minnesota's legislative session on May 22nd. As you know, both the House and Senate omnibus bills failed to include a wage increase for all direct care workers supporting people with disabilities in community-based services, but we are continuing to urge lawmakers to re-prioritize and address this critical need before the legislature and governor make their final decisions.    

It's time for us to take action as a community to show lawmakers just how many Best Life Alliance supporters care about this issue.  We need your help to make many, many contacts to  Minnesota's Senators and Representatives. We want to flood them with messages!

Please contact your legislators and Gov. Dayton now . Tell them why a wage increase for direct care workers who support people with disabilities needs to be a top priority!

Here's how to take action:  

  1. Use our new handout or postcard to share why this issue matters to you.
  2. Mail or email it to your legislators and Gov. Dayton  Find out who represents you
  3. If you would prefer to reach out to your legislators and the Governor through a direct email message, below is a simple message you can include.

Home and Community-Based Services that serve individuals with disabilities MUST be made a priority this session. In the final five weeks of session, it is critical that a wage increase for Direct Support Professionals is passed this session. Without a wage increase, the workforce crisis that our industry is facing will only worsen and services to individuals will continue to be jeopardized.

Please talk to your caucus leadership and tell them that an immediate wage increase for Direct Support Professionals who provide services to individuals with disabilities is a priority to you and your district and must be passed this legislative session.

On behalf of the thousands of Minnesotans with disabilities that access community based services and the staff that support them, thank you in advance for your leadership in helping to address this critical issue.