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Partnership with Century College

The Phoenix Residence is partnering with Century College, offering their engineering students real-world experience

This past winter The Phoenix Residence was contacted by Century College about a project students from the Introduction to Engineering class are asked to complete. The students in this course were tasked with creating a devise or prototype to assist individuals in the disability community.  In past years, students created something they “thought” would be helpful or needed by an individual with disabilities. To make this even a better experience, the college has partnered with organizations like The Phoenix Residence to create a product or service that is truly needed.

The Phoenix Residence provided Century a list of ideas – many of the ideas are not available on the market today or the existing model is not meeting the needs of the individual. Students selected their project and interviewed those requesting the new device. Once the device was completed, it was presented to the individual. This project gave the students an opportunity to gain real-world experience, beyond what a traditional classroom can offer.

A sincerely thank you to the group of students who created a tailor-made remote for Robin who lives at the Janet Court House. The students met with Robin and discussed his need for a TV remote with larger buttons. The students then created a remote, perfect for Robin– and it was even inscribed with the “Robin” symbol from Batman and Robin! See the photos below. 

Thank you Century College for your dedication to individuals with disabilities!